

St. 约瑟夫教堂成立于1733年

1733年5月,牧师. 约瑟夫 Greaton, S.J. purchased property between 3rd and 4th Streets and south of Walnut which would be the site of the 费城的第一座天主教堂. It was the only place in the English-speaking world where public celebration of mass was permitted by law. 这座教堂是献给圣. 约瑟夫,神圣家族的守护者. 它今天被亲切地称为老街. 乔的.


  • 1851 | St. 约瑟夫预备学校开业

    As the parish grew in Philadelphia the Jesuits of the Maryland Province decided to create 圣若瑟书院 设有筹备部为公众服务.

    On 1851年9月15日在美国,95名学生欢迎牧师. Felix Barbelin, S.J. the first school’s first President, for their first day of class beginning with mass at 8 a.m. 下午5点结束.m. 的re were strict regulations that the students had to follow as members of the St. 约瑟的社区. 的 students were to be polite with their teachers and friendly with their classmates. 的 regulations stressed neatness and directed the students in their hairstyles, 衣服, 以及他们办公桌的状态. 的re were strict rules and the students were informed that study should occur from 6-8 p.m. 每天晚上6-7点.m. 在他们每天到校之前.

    Economic factors impacted the College/Prep attendance significantly in the late 1850s causing the College to cease operations from 1861 to 1889 but the Preparatory department continued in some form.


  • 1866年:搬到吉拉德大道

    1876年,Fr. Barbelin found an undeveloped block between 17th and 18th Streets and bounded on north and south by Thompson and Stiles Streets. 1866年11月,交易结束了. 

    In 1868, just as the existing College at Willings Alley was fading to 60 students, Rev. 伯查德·维利格,S.J. 在费城北部定居,开始建立教区, 低年级, 还有吉拉德大道附近的一所大学. 的 original building housed a chapel and classrooms in the basement and a Jesuit residence. 的 basement was completed in 1873 and grade school classes as well as Greek and Latin constituted what was called the Preparatory department of St. 约瑟的大学.

    这个建筑群在1879年完成后不久,就开始了工程 耶稣教堂这是一项巨大的工程,存在资金、设计和施工问题. 弗朗西斯·德雷塞尔,圣. 凯瑟琳·德雷克塞尔, 1885年去世,留给圣约瑟夫学院72美元,000, 解决了“学院”的一个问题. 1888年10月8日. Villiger celebrated his 50th anniversary in the Society of Jesus in the midst of pomp and scaffolds in the new Gesu教堂.


  • 1899年:新学校

    的 Gesu parish supported the Jesuits who ran the college and rapid growth pushed the student body to 25 in the College and 144 in the Prep in 1893. 的 original structure became inadequate, but had been designed for future expansion. A corner building was built in front of the church with an expanded roof and new classrooms. 这座新大楼经得起考验 1899年有280名学生. This was a large enough number to begin planning the separation of the College division and the Preparatory department.

    As soon as the Jesuits were moving into their new residence at the corner of 18th and Thompson, the old Stiles Street residence was converted into a chapel and classrooms with a third floor gym. 的 growth of the student population provided the impetus to complete the block of building in 1923 as Villiger Hall for the College division.


  • 1927年:北费城校区

    的 College division planned to move to City Line Avenue enabling the Prep to occupy all of the school buildings on the original block. 的 transition to two distinct institutions began in 1890 and was completed in 1927.

    到20世纪20年代, the Prep had taken on many of the characteristics of a modern high school with attendance growing from 464 in 1927 to 735 in 1939. 学院和预科部的分离, and the rapid increase in student population meant that the faculty needed to increase; soon there were 14 lay faculty teaching along with the 12 Jesuits at the school.


  • 1966年:大火

    在一月一个寒风凛冽的夜晚,历史上的圣. 约瑟夫的预科学校突然变了. 早上5点20分发生了一场火灾.m. 在斯泰尔斯街大楼的地下室. 的 fire was probably sparked by an electrical problem and initially the firemen thought they had it under control. 然而, soon the fire raged out of control and turned into 8-alarms with two hundred firemen fighting the blaze. 的 fire quickly engulfed the building and the freezing cold air turned the firefighter's water to ice. Half of the block was a total loss and so dangerous that demolition was begun immediately. 的 Prep’s hallmark marble staircase was snow covered and icicles hung from the ceilings.

    幸运的是, the Jesuits rushed to the Thompson Street building and closed the fire doors, which saved what is now the Gesu School and important records and files in the Principal's office. Those doors are still visible under the stucco on the Gesu school building next to the facade of the Kelly Fieldhouse.

    的 fire razed two-thirds of the Prep building, but students were not out of class long. 尽管清理和拆除工作仍在继续, classes 打开 a week after the fire using every square inch of Villiger Hall on Thompson Street. 乐队在空水池里练习, 自助餐厅和走廊的尽头被改成了教室, 耶稣女修道院闲置的教室被用作预备班. 不久,建一所新学校的计划开始了.


  • 1968-1968年:重建

    在火之前, the Prep had already begun acquiring land for outdoor athletic facilities and a plaza. Much of the area in front of the Prep was already owned by the school or the parish, 所以火灾改变了斯泰尔斯和吉拉德之间街区的视野. 关于搬到郊区的问题已经讨论过很多次了, 但是去地铁很方便, 电车, and commuter lines meant that the Prep could not only stay to serve the people of North Philadelphia, 还有整个地区.

    1967年5月,火灾发生16个月后,建筑开始动工. 这座新建筑有一个带阳台的游泳池,里面有几扇大窗户. 的 new gym floor was laid on wooden beams supported by thousands of small leaf springs. 作为学校的多功能厅服务多年. 的 marble stairs from the old building had been buried under the glass and slate foyer to signify the strength of the Prep.


  • 2005-09:预防运动

    的 first academic expansion of the school since its rebuilding after the fire in 1966. 从2005年到2009年,预备学校筹集了3000万美元翻新耶稣会会堂和 Sauter餐厅, a 100,000平方英尺的项目增加了新教室, 艺术的房间, 办公空间, 改善餐饮设施. 在三位校长的领导下,牧师. 布鲁斯·米. 等候,年代.J,牧师. 威廉J. 拜伦,年代.J. 45年,牧师. 乔治•布什(George W. 钻,年代.J. ’59, 预备学校现在自吹自擂, 明亮的, 和开放的空间,以及伊格那丢一生中的里程碑之旅.


  • 2021 |永远为他人

    的 Prep embarked on another major capital renovation project in 2021, thanks to the success of the 永远为别人着想 是学校历史上最赚钱的活动. 在牧师会长的领导下. 约翰W. 斯沃普,年代.J. 1972年,这场运动为校园的变革铺平了道路.

    在预备学院第一位外行主席的指导下. 约翰Marinacci, the school reimagined the Main Entrance and converted the library into a 21st-century learning commons. 2022年10月,这是新的 豪利共享学习 打开, 康纳利咨询中心, 1973届创新中心毕业生, 凯利地基设计中心, 虚拟现实实验室, 麦克休媒体室, 还有咨询和学习服务办公室.

    保安服务台搬到了新的 乔和帕特·邓恩欢迎中心 在正门,还有 麦克南家族的洛布y 变成了光明, 欢迎学生聚会的空间, 未来的家庭, 特别活动.

    海登卓越大厅 也是被创造出来的, 展示预科校友的成就, 工作人员, 以及在田径运动领域产生重大影响的支持者, 任务, 区别, 和代际影响.

    最后, 角与剑剧院进行了翻新, 包括新地毯, 座位, 最先进的音响和灯光, 并在入口处增加了一幅美丽的费城壁画.